With her diverse program, K_nstvl___ focuses on experimental art spaces and collective creativity. Art collectives, often led by artists, offer emerging artists a platform and act as a catalyst for innovation, both in terms of content as well as organization. K_nstvl___ explores the playing field of these initiatives and the different contexts within which they operate. How do they organize and manifest themselves? What strategies do they employ to (re) present artists and to enter into sustainable connections in their local community? With what social questions and challenges are they confronted with? With a festival, meetings, discussions and publications, K_nstvl___ provides a platform for these collectives to share and exchange knowledge.
De K_nstvl___ is currently in a transition to a new organizational form and an adapted program. She is also looking for a new location. Due to the increasing social awareness of the need for social and democratic innovation, it becomes relevant to investigate the role of experimental institutions and collective creativity in a broad social context. That is why K_nstvl___ is researching how it can transform into a collective of collectives. With shared ownership and polyphony as the basis for the organization of multiple activities, including a national manifestation where collective creativity is central. We investigate how K_nstvl___ can be of added value at the location where it will take place and what is needed to introduce a wide audience to the unique network of collectives in the Netherlands. From a national network, K_nstvl___ is rooted locally and has a sharp look at the world.
These new developments within K_nstvl___ are initiated by artist Yasser Ballemans.
Are you interested in our plans and do you want to get in touch with us? Send an email to info@kunsvlaai.nl
K_nstvl___ has an ANBI-status.
Since 1997 K_nstvl___ has been an important platform for project spaces, art(ist-run) initiatives and other experimental organisations within the visual arts. It was initiated by the Sandberg Institute, the master course of the Rietveld Academy, as a response to KunstRAI, a fair for contemporary art in Amsterdam. It used to accommodate master students as well, who would showcase their work alongside the initiatives. The festival started out as an annual event and over time became biennial. The first eight editions took place in the monumental Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam and had the characteristics of an alternative art fair.
In 2012 K_nstvl___ left the Westergasterrein to pursue a more nomadic existence, with the aim to start pioneering once again. The set-up of K_nstvl___ changed as well: it turned into a manifestation that generates and functions in a more selective manner, resulting in a more specific and more international content. In 2014, the tenth edition took place in the Amstelpark, a large park in the south of Amsterdam. In line with its unconventional venue, K_nstvl___ 2014 centred around critical engagement with space and alternative approaches to production and exhibition formats. For more information about this edition, click here.
De nieuwe koers is een initiatief van beeldend kunstenaar en artistiek directeur van de Kunstvlaai Yasser Ballemans. Hij wordt bijgestaan door beeldend kunstenaar en onderzoeker Karolien Buurman, grafisch ontwerper Katja van Stiphout en adviseur communicatie Rufus Ketting. Het bestuur van Stichting Kunstvlaai wordt gevormd door Noor Mertens (directeur Kunstmuseum Bochum), Sjoerd Westbroek (kunstenaar en kunstdocent Piet Zwart Instituut en Willem de Kooning Academie), Esther Didden (cultuurfilosoof) en Marjolein van de Ven (hoofd programma en publiek en conservator hedendaagse kunst Stedelijk Museum Breda).