Kunstvlaai is a multi-day celebration of art(ist-run) initiatives. Every two years, Kunstvlaai provides initiatives a platform to meet, discuss, and exchange ideas. This tenth edition takes place in the Amstelpark, an extensive park in Amsterdam. Critical engagement with space and alternative approaches to production and exhibition formats are central for Kunstvlaai 2014, corresponding to its unconventional location.
Kunstvlaai stimulates artistic production by inviting initiatives to realize site-specific art works that will be on view during the event itself. Around 50 local and foreign art initiatives present themselves by means of a spatial intervention in the Amstelpark. Spaces in Dialogue, a three-day programme of round-table discussions, facilitates new dialogue between initiatives.

The Amstelpark in Amsterdam is an extensive park consisting of various parts. The area was created in 1972 for the second edition of the Floriade, the world horticultural expo that runs once every ten years in a different Dutch city. This particular edition started on March 30 and lasted to October 1, 1972 and became the most visited world horticultural expo ever, hosting about 5 million visitors. The then newly created Amstelpark formed only a small part of the expo terrain.

Since 1997 Kunstvlaai has been an important platform for art(ist-run) initiatives. The event was initiated by the Sandberg Instituut, Gerrit Rietveld Academy's master degree, as a response to the big commercial contemporary art fair in Amsterdam.
The manifestation started out as an annual event and over time became biennial. It is now the oldest, recurring event to solely focus on art initiatives. The first eight editions took place in the monumental Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam and had the character of an alternative art fair. The ninth edition of Kunstvlaai INEXACTLY THIS was organised by Fleur van Muiswinkel and Natasha Ginwala in an abandoned school building in Amsterdam-Zuid and focused on issues like vacancy and education. For more information about this edition click here.
Curators: Hendrik-Jan Hunneman and Noor Mertens
Coördination: Martine van Kampen
Coördination and production management: Sabien Schütte
PR and communication: Lies Aris
Education: Sjoerd van Leeuwen
Coördination Spaces in Dialogue: Marjolein van de Ven
Graphic design: Katja van Stiphout
Technical services: Rob Vrijen
Finances: Gerard Kahmann
Amstelpark, Kunstvlaai entrance @ Red Bridge, at Europaboulevard across Van Nijenrodeweg, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Stichting Kunstvlaai
Fred. Roeskestraat 98
1076 ED Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Noor Mertens, Hendrik-Jan Hunneman, Lies Aris
Graphic design: Katja van Stiphout
Programming: Jeroen Vader

As a prelude to Kunstvlaai 2014, the first Kunstvlaai seminar was held on Thursday January 16, 2014. It was entitled: ‘Do It Ourself – Battlefield or Co-operation’. Every two years, Kunstvlaai Foundation aims to present itself in between the Kunstvlaai manifestation and reflect on themes that are crucial for experimental art(ist-run) initiatives. Initiators of different foreign festivals like Supermarket from Stockholm, Festival of Independents Munich/Now/Here (Haus der Kunst) from Munich and Alt_Cph from Copenhagen were our guest speakers, amongst others.
seminar (PDF)
programme (PDF)
The board of Kunstvlaai Foundation is formed by Bart Rutten (collections curator Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam), Ad de Jong (visual artist) and Krist Gruijthuijsen (artistic director Grazer Kunstverein and head of Fine Arts Sandberg Instituut). The board is responsible for the long term policy, as well as selecting the curators for each Kunstvlaai edition and guiding them and the team during the process of organisation. Kunstvlaai Foundation is generously supported by Gemeente Amsterdam as part of the Kunstenplan. More information on the Kunstvlaai Foundation can be found on our ANBI page (in Dutch).
Like many non-institutional arts organisations at the moment, Kunstvlaai Foundation is looking for ways to develop a sustainable financial model. Our relationship with Kunstvlaai participants and our audience is a key factor in this. Buying a program brochure, a multiple by artists Frank Koolen, Rory Pilgrim and Freek Wambacq or consuming food and drinks at Kunstvlaai means you are a supporter too. If you feel like supporting us in another way write us at info@kunstvlaai.nl.
This edition of Kunstvlaai is gererously supported by Gemeente Amsterdam, VSBfonds, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Mondriaan Fonds, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst and Vlaamse Regering. We thank Stadsdeel Zuid, the Amstelpark organisation and Zone2Source for providing accomodation and assistance.